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Navigating the Green Card Process through Employment Based Immigration


Becoming a U.S. lawful permanent resident is a challenging, extremely long, and expensive process. It takes a dedicated individual, and a supportive employer sponsor, to persist and acquire a green card, formally known as a lawful permanent resident. The employment-based immigration lawyers at Klasko Immigration Law Partners, LLP, are adept at navigating the intricacies of obtaining a green card and are experienced in guiding foreign nationals and their employers every step of the way. 

If your goal is to obtain a green card, either for yourself or as a sponsoring employer, and the process seems too daunting, we created the below infographic to help visualize the process for you. 

We hope that the information above makes the green card process easier to understand and a little less daunting!  

Our team of corporate immigration attorneys are dedicated to helping employers and employees successfully navigate the process. We also have specific teams of expertise to support a variety of ways to achieving lawful permanent resident status, with experienced EB-1 immigration lawyers and EB-5 immigration lawyers. 

Contact a Klasko immigration attorney today.

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